Monday 19 January 2015


Tamil Arasan / / 0
Lat workouts are very important for building an impressive physique as the latissimus dorsi muscle is the largest and more powerful muscle in the back. It's important to focus on the lat muscles, as they help in maintaining correct posture and keeps your body in proportion. In this session we are going to discuss about whole lot of workouts to enhance you lat muscles.

Indian body building Advanced lat workouts


Classification of back muscles

1.  Wide grip lat pull down:

Wide grip lat pull down Indian muscle building workout
Wide grip lat pull down
  • Attach a long bar to the lat pull down machine and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground. Grasp the bar using a wide grip(greater than shoulder width apart) and sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hip.
  • Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position by straightening your arms.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

2. Narrow grip lat pull down:

Neutral-grip lat pull down Indian muscle building workout
Neutral-grip lat pull down

  • Attach a long bar to the lat pull down machine and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground. Grip on the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hip.
  • Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position by straightening your arms.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

3. Lat pull down under-hand grip:

Under-hand grip lat pull down Indian muscle building workout
Under-hand grip lat pull down

  • Attach a long bar to the lat pull down machine and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground. Grasp the bar equal to shoulder width apart in reverse direction, where palms should face you. Sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hip.
  • Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause. Slowly release the bar to the starting position by straightening your arms.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

4. Seated pulley row:

Seated pulley row Indian muscle build workout
Seated pulley row

  • To begin this workout take hold of the handles of the pulley as shown in the image. Sit with your back straight while keeping your legs bent  ans feet against the metal block.
  • Extend your arms feeling your lats stretch. Pull the weight back into your body until the handles touch your abdomen. Repeat the same.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

5. Stiff-arm lat pull down:

Indian muscle building workout Stiff-arm lat pull down
Stiff-arm lat pull down

  • Stand erect in front of lat pull machine, attach a long bar to the machine. Grip the bar at shoulder-width apart. Hold the bar in front of you slightly overhead.
  • Press or pull the bar towards your abdomen. Return to the starting position and repeat. 

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

6. Two arms dumbbell bent over row:

Dumbbell bent over row Indian muscle building workout
Dumbbell bent over row

  • Grab and hold a pair of dumbbells and hold forward at your waist, but keep your back flat. Have your arms extended straight downward with palms facing in towards one another.
  • Lift the dumbbells up to the sides of your chest and return them to their extended start position while keeping your back stable and straight throughout.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

7. Barbell bent over  row:

Barbell bent over row Indian muscle building workout
Barbell bent over row

  • Stand holding a barbell at waist height with palms facing you . Bend over at the waist until your chest is parallel with the floor.
  • Lift the barbell up to your shoulder height while still bending over. Now, use your lower back muscles to stand up with the barbell in the same position. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

8. Overhand-grip pulley row:

Overhand-grip pulley row
Overhand-grip pulley row

  • To perform this workout hold on to the bar in front of you. Sit with your back straight while keeping your legs bent and feet against the metal block. 
  • Extend your arms feeling your lats stretch. Pull the weight back in to your body until the handles touch your abdomen or lower chest.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

9. Dumbbell power clean:

Overhand-grip pulley row Indian muscle building workout

  • This is the workout both for your legs and the lat muscles. Hold a pair of dumbbells on the floor and squat over them.
  • Extend upward lifting the dumbbells up towards your shoulders.
  • Flip the weights over on top of your shoulders. Extend your hand overhead completely. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure.

10. Reverse chin up:

Reverse chin up Indian muscle building workout
Reverse chin up

  • Extend your arms and take an under grip on the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale ans stick your chest out to pull yourself upward until your chin is at the level of the bar. Exhale as you complete the movement.

Frequency  :3 sets.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :Till failure.

11. Neutral-grip lat pull down:

Neutral-grip lat pull down Indian muscle building workout
Neutral-grip lat pull down

  • To perform this workout sit on the bench in front of lat pull down machine, with thighs supported by the pads.
  • Grasp two pulleys using both your hands which is attached to the same hook. Pull it down towards your chest and slowly release it to go to the starting position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure. 

12. Barbell shrug:

Barbell shrug Indian muscle building workout
Barbell shrug
  • Hold a heavy weight loaded barbell in front of you. Resting on the thighs. Your palms should face  toward you.
  • Shrug your shoulder up, hold for one second, return to the starting position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure. 

13. Bent over two arm long bar row:

Bent over two arm long bar row Indian muscle building workout
Bent over two arm long bar row
  • Straddle a T-bar row machine or place a long rod against the corner of a wall and add weight plate in other end of the bar, grab with overhand grip before weight plate. Make sure you are standing with your feet  shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Keep  your back flat and bend waist until your upper body is about 45° from the vertical, the bar hanging at arm's length directly below your shoulders. 
  • Then, squeezing your shoulder blades together, lift the bar as close as you can to your lower chest. Pause, then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15- failure. 

14. One arm bent over dumbbell row:

Bent over dumbbell row Indian muscle building workout
Bent over dumbbell row

  • place your left knee and left hand on a flat bench with your right leg set firmly on the floor. Lean forward so that your back is flat and parallel to the floor.
  • Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand with palm facing in toward your body and lift or row the dumbbell up and in to your outer rib cage area. Return to start position position and repeat. 

Frequency  :3 sets.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure.

15. Dead lift:

Barbell dead lift Indian muscle building workout
Barbell dead lift
  • Your stance is about shoulder-width apart with your feet pointed ahead to slightly out. You should now lower your butt until your quads are roughly parallel to the floor. The bar should be just ahead of your chins. 
  • Now grip the barbell with both hands so that your grip is spaced slightly outside your legs. With a lumbar arch in your arch in your back push with your legs and lift with your back simultaneously so that the bar clears your knees and come to rest at your hips. Your shoulders and knees should be locked fully and your arms should be straight during the entire attempt.
  • You can also use gym hip belts to prevent back pain.

Frequency  :2-3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10- failure. 

16. Overhand-grip pull up:

Overhand-grip pull ups Indian muscle building workout
Overhand-grip pull ups

  • This is an effective power exercise, almost works out entire upper body. Using the overhand grip, hang on a bar with your arms a comfortable shoulder width-apart and legs slightly bent at the back.
  • Pull yourself up as high as possible over the bar. Hold on for a second and slowly lower to the starting position and repeat.
  • You can also grasp the bar with palms and fingers forward away from the body called as pronated grip. Don't squeeze your entire body when you perform this exercise, feel free and relax your shoulders & body. Pull up in a smooth motion, don't jerk.

Frequency  :3 sets.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :Till failure.

Tags: Indian muscle building advanced lat workouts, Lat workouts in Indian conditions, Indian body building workouts for your lat muscles, Lat exercises for advanced/experienced body builders.

Tamil Arasan

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