Tuesday 20 January 2015


Tamil Arasan / / 0
Strong defined shoulders are the key for sculpted physique, so that good shoulder workouts should be a part of your workouts. Also, good workouts gives you a ball like shoulder. You should know to implement the workout structure. Following same workout blue print halts your muscle development in some stage. So you need to change your workouts every week in terms of style, order, priority, etc... Lets look at some of the best shoulder workouts.

Indian body building Advanced shoulder workouts


Shoulder muscles

1. Standing barbell press:

Indian muscle building standing barbell press workout
Standing barbell press
  • Standing upright, hold a barbell in front of your head at shoulder level with your hands shoulder width apart, elbow bent and palms facing forward.
  • Press the barbell overhead, extending your arms fully. Keep your back straight and remain upright throughout the movement.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

2. Standing dumbbell press:

Indian muscle building standing dumbbell press workout
Standing dumbbell press

  • Stand upright, hold heavy dumbbells in both hands with same weight at shoulder level with your hands outside shoulder, elbows bent and thumbs each other.
  • Press the dumbbells overhead, extending your arms fully. Keep your back straight and remain upright throughout the movement. Return to start position just outside the shoulders.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 


3. Arnold press:

Indian muscle building Arnold press workout
Arnold press
  • Sit on a flat bench and hold a pair of dumbbells at the level of your shoulders. Your palms should be facing the inward and your elbows should point to the side.
  • Turn both of your wrist outward until your palms face away from you. At the same time, fully extend arms overhead. Hold for one second. Return to the starting position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

4. Low-pulley lateral raise:

Indian muscle building low-pulley lateral raise workout
Low-pulley lateral raise
  • Stand close to the cable machine and side on to it. Position your arm slightly in front of your thighs and take hold of the handle.
  • Inhale and keeping a slight bend in the elbow, raise your arm out to the side of the body until your upper arm is level with your shoulder.
  • Keep your palm facing down. Slowly and with the movement under control, lower your arm back down to the start position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 


5. Reverse shoulder fly:

Indian muscle building reverse shoulder fly workout
Reverse shoulder fly
  • Lye inverted on a bench holding dumbbell in each hand as shown in the image. Raise your head, your sight is forward. Do not face the floor.
  • Raise your arms to the sides until your hands are slightly above the shoulder level. Return to the starting position in slow pace.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :12-failure. 

6. Barbell front raise:

Indian muscle building barbell front raise workout
Barbell front raise
  • Stand with your legs slightly spread. Take and overhand grip on barbell and rest the barbell on your thighs. Keep your back straight and your abdominals contracted.
  • Inhale and raise the barbell forward with your arms straight until it reaches eye level. Exhale as you complete the movement.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 


7. Front raise:

Indian muscle building front raise workout
Front raise
  • Stand with feet slightly apart. Hold the dumbbells with your palms down, resting the dumbbells on your thighs or slightly to your sides raising the dumbbells on your thighs or slightly to your sides.
  • Inhale and alternate sides raising the dumbbells forward to shoulder height. Exhale as you come back to original position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

8. Pec deck rear-delt laterals:

Indian muscle Pec deck rear-delt laterals workout
Pec deck rear-delt laterals
  • Sit in a pec deck machine facing toward its back support with your arms stretched out grasping the handles.
  • Inhale and force your elbows to the rear pressing your scapulae together at the end of the movement. Exhale as you complete the movement.
Peck dec machine
A Peck dec machine
Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

9. Dumbbell scarecrow:
Indian muscle dumbbell scarecrow workout
Dumbbell scarecrow
  • While staring straight with feet shoulder width apart, hold dumbbells in front of your things with overhand grip.Raise your arms to your sides until your upper arms are parallel with the floor.
  • Rotate your elbows forward until your forearms point straight up. Hold for a second and return to starting position.
Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-failure. 

10. Lying face down plate neck resistance:

Indian muscle lying face down plate neck resistance workout
Lying face down plate neck resistance
  • Lye inverted on a table with a plate on the neck. Hold the plate with your hand for balancing.
  • Now raise your head as much as you can and hold for a second. Then come to the original position.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :12-failure. 

11. Hanging high pull:

Indian muscle hanging high pull workout
Hanging high pull
  • Stand with your feet slightly spread. Keep your back straight. Take an overhead grip on the bar with your hands palm width apart.
  • Inhale and pull the barbell straight upward until you reach the shoulder height. Lift your elbows as high as possible at the top of the movement. Exhale and slowly lower the barbell back to the starting point.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

12. Standing dumbbell shrug:

Indian muscle standing dumbbell shrug workout
Standing dumbbell shrug
  • With dumbbells in your hands take the position as shown in the picture. Use heavy weight dumbbells.
  • Rotate you shoulder about 360° to complete a cycle. Repeat the same till you complete a set.

Frequency  :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15-failure. 

Tags: Indian muscle building advanced shoulder workouts, Front shoulder workouts in Indian conditions, Indian body building Shoulder workouts for advanced body builders.


Tamil Arasan

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