Thursday 15 January 2015


Tamil Arasan / / 0

   Chest/bench is the "king of workouts". Unlike other parts it gives you a masculine structure and you'll sure to feel proud of it. Chest workouts has the largest sets of workouts and also takes extra mins than other workouts. You will feel your power after you complete Bench press. Does your chest resemble a sheet of wooden plate instead of  the mountains of muscle? I assure you for a pair of best chest. Here's the beginner's chest workout guide. Advanced body builders watch advanced Chest workout guide.


View of chest muscles.
View of chest muscles.
    The chest is a muscular organ and it is made of pair of muscles work together to make its function. The major functions of the chest muscles are the side arm pitching motion, the ability to bring your arm up and down at your sides, and the classic arm wrestling motion.

   Though the chest is made up of one single mass of muscle, it should be trained as if it has three parts.The major chest workouts can be classified as,

A picture indicating upper, middle, lower areas of chest 

  • Upper chest workouts-Incline press
  • Middle chest workouts-Flat press
  • Lower chest workouts-Decline Press 

    In order to get best chest structure you need to concentrate on all three workouts.This is the guide for beginners, to discover separate workouts of each part go to advanced guide. Workouts using free weights helps to build a more solid foundation, despite you are advised to go with hydraulic bench press as beginners. Going with solid free weights at beginning will give you lack of balance and you might drop the weights on your chest. After some development go for free weight which will be lot better.


Various gripping illustrations
Various gripping illustrations 
  Before you start your workouts be cautious about gripping. Holding equipment wrongly may cause unbalanced position which may lead you to drop the weights on you.This Advanced program features three different bench-press grip widths. In your normal grip, which balances chest and triceps work, your thumbs should be roughly over your shoulders. Olympic barbells have a ring marked where most men will place their index fingers. For the close-grip press, which puts more emphasis on the triceps, your hands should be 12 to 18 inches apart, depending on the width of your torso. You want your elbows to descend below your torso when you bring the bar to your chest, just as they would in a standard bench press. On the wide-grip press, which works your chest harder, your hands should be 3 to 4 inches farther apart on each side than with your normal grip.


  Start with push-ups it is both warm-up and workout for your chests.See image 5.1 for push-up workout.

1. Hydraulic flat Barbell bench press:

Machine Flat barbell bench  press
1.1. Flat barbell bench  press
This image may vary from actual picture of the real hydraulic bench press machines. I'm not responsible for complications.
   Image 1.1 describes the machine flat bench press which is performed in a machine where a long rod is locked out in two vertical stands.Weights can be added as per your comfort. Using hydraulic machine you can learn to balance.The workout is done by lying on the bench and holding the bar. Lower the bar towards your chest and push the barbell again to reach starting position as in image 1.1. This workout is done to bulk up the chest muscles.

Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12, don't go till failure.

   Similarly you can also train inclined and declined hydraulic bench press by increasing and decreasing the level of the bench respectively, with same frequency, rest and repetitions.

2. Flat dumbbell bench press:

Flat dumbbell bench press
2.1. Flat dumbbell bench press
    Image 2.1 shows the workout structure for flat dumbbell bench press. Be cautious about your balance you will easily loose balance at the beginning. Also the speed, power, balancing grip may vary in your left & right hands, so choose the weights accordingly that it can be lifted by both yours hands at same level. 
   Lie flat on the bench with feet on the floor for stability, your arms extended upward and your hands facing in toward each other holding the dumbbells. Inhale and lower the dumbbells to chest level, bending your elbows and rotating your fore arms to bring your hand in pronation. Press the dumbbells back up and do an isometric contraction to isolate the stress on the pectorals. Exhale as you complete the movement.This workout is done to give shape to the chest.

Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12, don't go till failure.

     Don't go for inclined & declined dumbbell bench press initially, unlike Hydraulic bench press it doesn't have a supporting machine. It will be complex than flat dumbbell bench press. If done wrongly it may cause serious injury.

3. Flat dumbbell fly:

Flat dumbbell fly
3.1. Flat dumbbell fly
    Flat dumbbell fly is represented in image 3.1. This looks similar to the flat dumbbell bench press, but here you have to change the angle of your wrist. And make the movement as given above. Use lesser weight than the flat dumbbell bench press. Do it perfectly to expand your chest.
    To perform dumbbell flies, pick up a relatively light weight in each hand. You will need to experiment to determine how much weight is right for your dumbbell flies. Start with a lighter weight then slowly work your way up. Lie down on a weight bench and raise both dumbbells straight up over your chest with your arms straight. This is your starting position. Spread both arms outward in a wide arc until your arms are out at your sides. Your arms can be slightly bent. This is the fly part of the dumbbell flies. It is called because you look like you are flying. Follow the same arc back up until the dumbbells return to the starting position. This is one repetition of the dumbbell fly.
   Limit your hands to body level during downwards movement do not go beyond the limit. Working out these in heavy weights can cause this problem, so be conscious about the weights you are using.

Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set - if you can or do                           with same weights.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12, don't go till failure.

4. Pec-deck machine fly:

Pec-deck machine fly
4.1. Pec-deck machine fly
  This workout is similar to dumbbell fly but done in a pre constructed hydraulic machine. Image 4.1 shows the right form of workout structure. Sit on the machine's seat and press your elbows into the pads, relaxing your forearms and wrists. Inhale and force the pads together until you touch in front of your chest. Exhale as you complete the movement.
Bad form of Pec-deck machine fly workout
4.2. Bad form

    Image 4.2 shows the bad form of this workout where your hands should not be released beyond the level of the shoulders. If you do wrong all the concentration of the workout will be focused in some other point results in no gain of this workout.

   You can feel you chest breaking in to two, if you do this workout in correct form. It will motivate you and bring confidence in future.

Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12, don't go till failure.

5. Push-ups:

Regular push ups
5.1. How to do push-ups

     Finish-off your things with push-ups.  

   Image 5.1 shows you the correct form of push ups. Lye prone with your arms straight, your palms flat on the floor, and your hands shoulder-width apart. Hold your feet together or very slightly spread. Inhale and bend your elbows to bring your torso near the floor, avoiding extreme hyper tension of your spine. Push yourself back to arms, extended position, exhaling as you complete the movement.

  Don't touch the floor with your chest. It will take some days to get balanced because both hand don't have same power.Don't give up, most of them does. Push-ups gives the effect at last more than the effect you get from whole workouts done above.

     If you get advance you can also  for decline push-ups which gives you more effect.

  After mastering these workouts go to intermediate level, to learn more workouts and techniques.  
  Initially going till failure may cause severe pain so stop 2-3 reps before you reach failure.Only advanced, well-trained body builders will got till failure.

  • Failure is the stage at which you can't lift/press weight any more.  

Warning:Doing workouts wrong may cause some serious injury where you cannot continue further,so learn it do it perfectly. Don't go in blind manner. 

Tags: Indian beginner chest workouts, Indian chest exercise, Chest workouts India, Chest workouts in Indian condition, Starters chest workouts, Beginning for muscular chest, King of workouts.

Tamil Arasan

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