The back/wings are the set of muscles present in your back side of your body (as shown in the image 1.0)which has a name, the "Show muscles". It is like a crown of the king, because it gives meaning to your chest and upper body. These muscles are the only reason to give you the "v-shaped" body. Without these muscles your body resemble a world class art with bad/no frame/outline. So don't skip lats for your worthless excuses. Also, if you are one of those people who like to workout the crown of the king then move on. Here we are going to discuss how to turn your baby back into wide thick wings of muscles.
1.0. The Back |
The image 1.0. shows the location back muscles in our body,you can see the internal muscle arrangements of wings on the right side. The different sections of back are
- The upper back
- The middle back and
- The lower back
The workouts and exercises will strengthen and develop all the major muscles in your back.The back is an area that beginners often overlook when training, this is due to few reasons, many back exercises are not as easy to perform as exercises for other body parts. It can be difficult to feel and contract the muscles of your back during workouts. However with experience and the correct technique during each workout muscle contraction will develop and become easier as well as muscle development.
The "Latissimus dorsi" is the largest muscle in your back and it's responsible for giving your back width, the lats are primarily used when you perform workout that have a pulling motion.
The back muscles make up for a huge area in your upper body and they shouldn't be neglected as mentioned above. Here's the beginners guide for back workouts.
Before you start your workouts be cautious about gripping. Unlike other workouts back needs the special grip. Hold the equipment perfectly. Holding equipment imperfect/wrongly may cause unbalanced position and pull you towards the equipment can cause severe injury in the head. And also your hand might get rid of the rod if you have loose grip, which makes you to fall in the ground.
1. Lat pull down:
1.1. Lat pull down |
The figure 1.1 shows the initial basic exercise for your back, the lat pull down. Attach a long bar to the lat pull down machine and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground. Grasp the bar using a wide grip(greater than shoulder width apart) and sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hip. Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position by straightening your arms. Unlike other workouts, it take some days to master. Continue this structure, If you feel your wings, you are right.
Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition :10-12,don't go till failure.
2. Underhand-grip lat pull down:
Image 2.1 is the underhand-grip lat pull down. Unlike lat pull down you have to reverse grip the bar, where the palms should face towards you. Also the gripping length should be equal to shoulder width-apart. Attach a long bar to the lat pull down machine and adjust the thigh pads so that when you are sitting your knees are at right angles and feet flat on the ground. Grasp the bar equal to shoulder width apart in reverse direction to the normal lat pull down. Sit down maintaining the upper body in an upright position, slightly leaning back from the hip. Pull the bar in front of your face to the top of your chest and pause. Slowly release the bar to the starting position by straightening your arms.
3. Overhand-grip pulley row:
Image 3.1 shows the overhand-grip pulley row workout. To begin this workout take hold of the handles of the bar as shown in the image. Sit with your back straight while keeping your legs bent ans feet against the metal block. Extend your arms feeling your lats stretch. Pull the weight back into your body until the handles touch your abdomen. This is one of the workout which needs perfection, unless you do this exercise with 100% perfection you won't feel your lats. You can also get some advice from experts in gym. Ask them to see your workout and confirm that you are right. This workout plays essential role in getting your back width. It can cause pain if done wrong, also do not go till failure to avoid muscle contraction.
2. Underhand-grip lat pull down:
2.1. Underhand-grip lat pull down |
Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition :10-12,don't go till failure.
3. Overhand-grip pulley row:
3.1. Overhand-grip pulley row. |
Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition :10-12,don't go till failure.
4. Machine pullover:
Image 4.1 shows the machine pullover exercise. Sit in the pull over machine and press the lever in front of you and while you press it down bring your back muscles out. Then release the lever as well as your back muscles. This is one repetition of this workout.Repeat these step to complete one set.
5. Neutral-grip lat pull down:
The image 5.1 describes the neutral-grip lat pull down. To perform this workout sit on the bench in front of lat pull down machine, with thighs supported by the pads. Grasp two pulleys using both your hands which is attached to the same hook. Pull it down towards your chest and slowly release it to go to the starting position. You will easily learn this workout at the first day. It is done to get your lower back muscles expand.
4. Machine pullover:
4.1. Machine pullover |
Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition :10-12,don't go till failure.
5. Neutral-grip lat pull down:
5.1. Neutral-grip lat pull down |
Frequency :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition :10-12,don't go till failure.
After mastering these workouts go to intermediate level, to learn more workouts and techniques.
Initially going till failure may cause severe pain so stop 2-3 reps before you reach failure.Only advanced, well-trained body builders will go till failure.
Initially going till failure may cause severe pain so stop 2-3 reps before you reach failure.Only advanced, well-trained body builders will go till failure.
- Failure is the stage at which you can't lift/press weight any more.
Warning:Doing workouts wrong may cause some serious injury where you cannot continue further,so learn it do it perfectly. Don't go in blind manner.