Thursday 15 January 2015


Tamil Arasan / / 0
     The legs are the basement for our body, so called "the pillars". It is the toughest exercise of all, because at beginning you cannot walk properly after leg workout for few days. A worst condition prevails in most of the gym, where most of the gym enthusiasts skip leg workouts as it is tough & uninterested because it is not visible naked most of the time as you will cover it.

    So what is the true indication of a great physique? Is it large, peaked biceps? Is it razor-sharp abs? Is it bowling-ball shoulders or a wide back? None of those are correct. The real answer is, symmetry. A symmetrical physique is one in which all body parts flow in each other. No one body part or side of the body is bigger than the other.
    Skipping legs will be considered as half job done. Because you will build a horrible imbalance between the size of your upper and lower body. This completely throws off the symmetry of one's physique. There is nothing more ridiculous to see a guy in the gym with a well-developed upper body with toothpick legs.
    Here we are going to see the  leg workouts, the journey will be hard harder than anything you have done before, but once you see the results you will continue this journey of leg training for life.


1.Side view of legs
     There is nothing to say about basic functions of leg as every one knows it.The three basic parts of leg are Quads, Hamstrings and Calves which is displayed in figure 1.(a).  The figures given below shows the various parts of the legs 1.(a) basic parts of legs, 1.(b) different leg muscles, 1.(c) muscles of the lower extremity.These parts are explained in detail and also the best workout for each muscle is described.

                1. (a) Basic parts of  legs,                                   1. (b) Different leg muscles,                   1. (c) Muscles of the extremity
    The upper part of legs are the quads they are more powerful than all other muscles. They are also huge in size. The various muscles present in the quads are given below and you can refer these muscles in the figure 1.(b) and 1.(c),

Rectus  Femoris:

  • Function: Extension and flexion when hip is extended.
  • Location: Inserts at the hip and travels down the middle portion of the upper leg and reinserts at the knee.
  • Workout: Barbell full squat.
Vastus Laterallis: Quad Sweep

  • Function: Extension when hip is flexed.
  • Location: Inserts 2/3 up the femur on the outer portion of the quad and reinserts at the knee.
  • Workout: Hack Squats.
Note: Femur bones are the largest bones in our body which simply connects our hip and knees.

Vastus Mediallis: Tear Drop

  • Function: Extension when hip is flexed.
  • Location: Inserts 1/2 up the femur on the inner portion of the quad and reinserts at the knee.
  • Workout: Leg Extensions.
    These muscles are present in the back side of the upper part of the leg shown in figure 1.(a)., similar to quads.

  • Function: Extends the hip joint and bends the knees.
  • Location: Back middle portion of the thigh.
  • Workout: Barbell lunges.
  • Function: Extends the hip joint and bend knee and also some middle rotation.
  • Location: Back middle side of the tigh.
  • Workout: Lying leg curl.
Bicep Femoris: Long head
  • Function: Knee flexion and hip extension.
  • Location: Lower inner portion of the back of the thigh.
  • Workout: Seated leg curl.
Bicep Femoris: Short head
  • Function: Knee flexion and hip extension.
  • Location: Upper inner portion of the back of the thigh.
  • Workout: Seated leg curl.
     The calves is a part present in between the knees and toes at back side as shown in figure 1.(a). It is like fore arm of the leg. Bulky diamond shaped calves are so impressive when you wear a torso.

  • Function: Plantarflexion at the ankle.
  • Location: Back portion of the lower leg.
  • Workout: Standing calf raises.
  • Function: Plantarflexion at the ankle.
  • Location: Back part of the lower leg that runs below the knee to the heel.
  • Workout: Seated calf raise.

1. Vertical sit-ups:
      The vertical sit-ups is the first basic workout of the legs. The sit-ups are done by taking erect standing position and then bending your knees to 90° angle between the quads & the calves section. Your body must not bend forward when you bending your knees. Then stand again and retain your original position. Repeat these steps. If you can repeat the step for <20 times at a stretch then you are ready for beginners squat workout. Use image 5.1 as an example and do without dumbbells.

Frequency : Do as much as you can.
Rest            :1-3 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  : Go till failure.

2. Hydraulic Leg press:

Leg press
2.1. Leg press
      The image 2.1 shows the leg press workout. Before going to the advanced power lifting squat you must be well trained in this exercise. Sit on the machine with your back and head against the padded support. Place feet on the foot plate about hip width apart, ensuring the heels are flat. The legs should form an angle of about 90° at the knee variation either way as long as the heels sit flat on the plate. The knees with a little variation either way as long as the heels sit flat on the plate. The knees should be in line with the feet and neither bowed inward nor outward. Your bottom should not be raised from the seat platform. If it is, and the legs are at too sharp an angle, then you need to adjust the seat back until the correct position is enabled. You can recognize this poor position when the knees seem to be in front of your eyes and you feel cramped. Grasp the assist handles.  Do not stretch your legs completely, if you stretch then you will have rest in between each repetition.

Frequency :3 sets with no weights on first two weeks and increasing weights each set from fore coming weeks.
Rest            :1-3 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

3. One Legged curl:

One legged curl
3.1. One-legged curl
    The image 3.1 figures out the one-legged curl workout. Here lye prone on the bench of the leg curl machine and attach your legs below the roller pad. Then in correct position raise one of your leg to 90° to your upper body and slowly lower back to the starting position. Repeat these step. Copy the steps for another leg.

Frequency :3 sets with low weight on first two weeks and increasing weights each set from fore coming weeks.
Rest            :1-3 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

4. Calf Raise:

Calf raise
4.1. Calf raise
      The calf raise is one of the interesting workout and it should be performed as shown in the image 4.1. It is interested as you can feel your calves getting developed from the day you start. As mentioned above a good diamond shaped calf attracts others when you are with half pants. To do this workout stand on the machine using your toes and do not use your whole feet. With the the help of the shoulder below the raising pad, raise & lower your body only with the help of your toes. It will cause pain initially when you commence this workout. You will be alright after few weeks. If you use your whole feet you won't have any benefit from this workout.

Frequency :3 sets with low weight on first two weeks and increasing weights each set from fore coming weeks.
Rest            :1-3 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

5. Dumbbell Squat:

Dumbbell squat
5.1. Dumbbell squat
     The image 5.1 shows the dumbbell squat workout. Unless you do the first workout perfectly, you cannot perform this exercise. So practice the first exercise perfectly and then move on to this. Stand with your feet slightly apart and grasp a dumbbell in each hands with your arms hanging down at your sides. Look straight ahead, slightly arch your back and squat down. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Exhale as you complete the movement. Repeat these steps. Use low weight dumbbells initially.

Frequency :3 sets with low weight on first two weeks and increasing weights each set from fore coming weeks.
Rest            :1-3 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

6. Body weight squat:

Body weight squat
6.1. Body weight squat

    Image 6.1 shows how to perform body weight squat. Stand erect at hip-feet apart,with hands behind your head. Lower your body until your upper thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to  the starting position and repeat. 

Frequency   :3 sets.
Rest            :1-2 mins rest between each sets.
Repetition  :15.

   That's all you have to do to begin your Squat workouts. Expertise these workouts and move on to intermediate workouts.

Initially going till failure may cause severe pain so stop 2-3 reps before you reach failure.Only advanced, well-trained body builders will got till failure.

  • Failure is the stage at which you can't lift/press weight any more.  

Warning:Doing workouts wrong may cause some serious injury where you cannot continue further,so learn it do it perfectly. Don't go in blind manner. 

Tags: Indian beginner leg workouts, Indian beginner body building, Beginner leg workout, Beginner Leg workout India, Leg workouts for beginner.

Tamil Arasan

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