Thursday 15 January 2015


Tamil Arasan / / 0

A blast arm is made by both biceps and triceps. If your arm lacks any one of these then don't call it, an arm. If you want good arms train both your biceps and triceps equally is, it is very important fact. It's a common belief that the bicep is largest and strongest muscle in the upper arm, however it is not true, the triceps is in fact the largest and strongest muscle in arm, it makes up about two thirds of your entire upper arm size and it shouldn't be over looked. An arm with no triceps is like a elephant with no tusks.


1.0. Triceps
   The triceps constitute more than the bulk of your arms and consists of three heads. All the heads are involved in elbow extension, the straightening of the elbow. Let's take a closer look at how to zero-in each head. Remember, it's impossible to completely isolate an individual head, but arm hand placement can effectively emphasize one head (or even two) over the others. 

Long head:
     The long head of the triceps is the only head that originates above the shoulder joint. Only when you position your arm overhead does the long head stretch fully. Take note of that because a muscle can't maximally contract unless it's stretched first. Movements in which arms are by your sides do little to hit the long head. Overhead movements like seated overhead dumbbell extensions work best.

Medial head:
     The medial head of the triceps is the most active of all the heads at almost all resistances and angles in both pressing (chest and shoulders) and triceps extensions. Usually all it takes to target this muscle is some good-old fashioned intensity. However, this head is relatively small, so unless you're king kong, you can't go too heavy when trying to isolate it.
    The debate continues about whether hand position really affects medial-head recruitment. Some argue that a reverse or underhand grip puts more emphasis on the medial head-fibers. Even still, it provides a good change of pace if you consistently do overhand-grip triceps exercises; you want to work a muscle from multiple angles for more complete development. 

Lateral head:
        This head is most active towards the end of range of motion-- when you straighten your arm. If you never fully straighten your arm, then guess which head you shortchange? 
        Neutral-grip movements as well as overhand grips, are the best lifts to target this head. The lateral head is also active when performing multi-joint triceps movements (clips, close-grip benches, machine dips) as well as skull-crushers on a decline bench.


    Before you start your workouts be cautious about gripping. Hold the equipment perfectly. Holding equipment wrongly may cause unbalanced position which may lead you to drop the weights on you. Especially be cautious about the skull crusher, place somebody behind you to safe guard your skull.

Do not bend: In triceps workout beginners will bend forward when they do triceps push down. Bending to & fro is the bad form and it will affect your results.Be erect. You should take control of the weights you lift and they should not.


1. French press:

     Triceps workouts are so technical. You should know what you are doing?, are you right?, do you feel the muscles? If you do it blindly then you will not gain muscle. The above image shows how to do french press, which is the basic exercise for triceps . To begin, stand up holding a barbell using pronated grip(palms facing forward) with your hands closer than shoulder width apart from each other. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart. Now elevate the barbell above your head until your arms are fully extended. Keep your elbows in. This will be your starting position.
   Keeping your upper arms close to your head and elbows in, perpendicular to the floor, lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your fore arms touch your biceps.         The upper arms should remain stationary and only the fore arms should move. Breathe in as you perform this step. Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the barbell. Breath out as you perform this step. When you do this exercise for first time make sure advanced gym mate or a trainer must be satisfied with your performance. If not, get some instructions from them.

Frequency   :3 sets increasing weights each set, or with the same.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

2. Skull crusher-Triceps extension:
Skull crusher-triceps extension workout
2.1. Skull crusher-triceps extension workout
    Skull crusher is a very effective triceps workout. The image 2.1 shows how to do triceps extension. Lye on a flat bench, positioning the bar over your eyes. Keep your triceps under some tension while your arms are in the extended position. Now, keep your upper arms fixed in the extended position while you bend your elbows and allow the weight to descend under control toward your fore head. Return to the starting position slowly and repeat. Don't add too much weight. Get help from your gym mate so that you don't crush your skull.

Frequency   :3 sets increasing weights each set, or with the same.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

3. Triceps push down:

Triceps  push down
3.1. Triceps  push down
    Triceps push down is done in a hydraulic machine using cables. Image 3.1 describes triceps push down workout. Using a high-cable pulley in front of the cable station, grasp a straight bar with an overhand grip. Your hands should be about 10 inches apart. Position your fore arms so they are parallel to the floor. Keep your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Keep your elbows locked in close to your body and wrists straight. Keep your whole body steady, push the bar down as far as possible towards your legs, locking your arms and feeling the triceps full contract. Keep the upper arms close to the body. Return to the starting position using the same motion. Never move your elbows or torso! Stay standing straight up.

Bad form of triceps push down workout
3.2. Bad form
  Image 3.2 shows the bad form of this workout. Here he strains to do it. Usually working out with heavy weights cause these problem. So try to add weight that you can lift or press comfortably.

Frequency   :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12.

4. One arm dumbbell triceps extension:

One arm extension
4.1. One arm extension
   Triceps one arm extension is one of the best finishing workouts. Image 4.1 shows how to do this workout. Hold your arm in full extension up above your body. Make sure your elbow is facing away from your body. With your non-weight bearing hand, grab and support your other arm by holding your body. Next, lower the weight down, bending at your elbow. Once the forearm is parallel to the floor you may bring the arm back to full extension.

Frequency   :3 sets increasing weights each set.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

5. Kick back:

Kick backs
5.1. Kick back
    Don't confuse kick back triceps workout with "Bent-over dumbbell row" back/wings workout. Figure 5.1 shows how to do kick back, take your position as given in the image. Place your left knee and left hand on a flat bench with your right leg set firmly on the floor. Lean forward so that your back is flat and parallel to the floor. Grasp a dumbbell in your right hand with palms facing in toward your body. Now with your back straight and your head looking straight ahead start with the dumbbell at a 90° angle elbow. Extend the dumbbell keeping your elbow completely stationary. Pause for a second at fully extended step. Then, return to the starting position and repeat.

Frequency   :3 sets increasing weights each set, or with the same.
Rest            :1 min rest between each sets.
Repetition  :10-12,don't go till failure.

After mastering these workouts go to intermediate level, to learn more workouts and techniques.
  Initially going till failure may cause severe pain so stop 2-3 reps before you reach failure.Only advanced, well-trained body builders will go till failure.

  • Failure is the stage at which you can't lift/press weight any more.  

Warning:Doing workouts wrong may cause some serious injury where you cannot continue further,so learn it do it perfectly. Don't go in blind manner. 

Tags:Indian triceps beginner workout, Beginner Triceps workouts, Triceps workouts India, Triceps workouts in Indian condition, Triceps workouts for starters.


Tamil Arasan

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